We invite you to join this special society!
As a member of the Neville Society, you can be proud that your gift will demonstrate your commitment to carrying forward the mission of the Museum for generations to come. With your permission, your name will be placed on a special plaque in the Museum and will be mentioned in annual reports.
Download the Neville Society informational brochure.
To learn more about the Neville Society, call (920) 448-7850 or email Kasha, Foundation Executive Director.
The Neville Society:
Susie Altmayer
Tom W. Bartelt
Ida Bay
George R. Bolduan
Donald E. & Betty D. Brown
Edith R. Cohen
Philip B. Desnoyers
Phil Dixon *
James R. Ducat
Frank J.B. Duchateau
Gregory D. Evrard
Helen L. Ferslev
Diane & Patrick Ford *
Benjamin J. Frankowski
Henry Jewett Furber
Dorothy Haltug
JoAnn G. Hanaway *
June Kashnig
Richard Klauson
Ann L. Koski *
Cathy LaTour *
James & Mardell Liethen *
Lucille Meusel
Margaret Nelson
Arthur C. Neville
Ella Hoes Neville
Ralph C. Pratt
Leonard M. Rohloff
Fred O. Schuette
Lucia R. Stanfield
Janet Nelson & Timothy Reilley *
Edith E. Walraven
Florence Wilterding
Your Name Here
Tom W. Bartelt
Ida Bay
George R. Bolduan
Donald E. & Betty D. Brown
Edith R. Cohen
Philip B. Desnoyers
Phil Dixon *
James R. Ducat
Frank J.B. Duchateau
Gregory D. Evrard
Helen L. Ferslev
Diane & Patrick Ford *
Benjamin J. Frankowski
Henry Jewett Furber
Dorothy Haltug
JoAnn G. Hanaway *
June Kashnig
Richard Klauson
Ann L. Koski *
Cathy LaTour *
James & Mardell Liethen *
Lucille Meusel
Margaret Nelson
Arthur C. Neville
Ella Hoes Neville
Ralph C. Pratt
Leonard M. Rohloff
Fred O. Schuette
Lucia R. Stanfield
Janet Nelson & Timothy Reilley *
Edith E. Walraven
Florence Wilterding
Your Name Here
*Denotes that these Neville Society members are still with us and have made a generous future commitment to the Neville Public Museum Foundation